Anglican Church Grammar School
The Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Book Week theme this year was ‘find your treasure’, opening the doors to books about a wide range of themes and what it means for each student to find his or her own treasure.
On Friday 24 August, Churchie’s Reception to Year 2 students welcomed girls from St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School for a fun morning of activities based on the shortlisted books for the 2018 Children’s Book of the Year. The day was a wonderful opportunity for the boys and girls to learn in a co-educational setting.
As the children moved through the five activities, they stamped a book cover image on their own bookmark, reflecting the treasure hunt theme.
The books each activity revolved around were Rodney Loses It! by Michael Gerard Bauer, The Sloth Who Came to Stay by Vivienne To, Idan Ben-Barak’s Do Not Lick This Book, BOY by Phil Cummings and Florette by Anna Walker.
The activities ranged from rhyming and drawing, colouring and creating a treasure box, learning and conversing in sign language, obstacle courses and looking through magnifying glasses to see what they could find in Norman Creek’s water and on leaves and flowers gathered from the school grounds. Each activity was designed to reflect the curriculum with aspects from science, physical education, language and visual arts, and English.
It was wonderful to see the Churchie boys and St Margaret’s girls interact and learn from each other, sharing in the excitement of the stories heard and activities completed together.
Posted with permission
Originally published here
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