The vocation of Anglican Schools is education driven by a vision of humanity shaped by the
image of God made visible in Jesus, present in every human being.
You are the light of the world.
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden
… let your light shine before others,
so that they may see your good works and give glory to your
Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 5.14-16
The kingdom of God is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, until it was all leavened.
Luke 13.20-21
Our Schools have their own distinctive identity shaped by unique histories, contexts, communities and foundational stories. Across these, Anglican schools will share a number of key markers.
Incarnational – essential words live in us
God the Creator cares about creatures and creation. Matter matters and the Creator loves creation enough to enter in person: the Word becomes flesh. Words become real when lived. Essential words must be embodied within people and practised within our communities, for example: kindness, generosity, love, justice, fairness, truth, hospitality, service, compassion, forgiveness, redemption. These express values that describe God’s activity among us. Living them is essential to the identity of an Anglican School.
The following five markers are an expression of our incarnational authenticity and our accountability as educational institutions to form new generations who be a particular way in the world.
Intellectual – we embrace a comprehensive liberal education
Anglican schools are unapologetically committed to the intellect: the relentless, fearless pursuit of truth; the discipline of academic rigour; meticulous scientific endeavour; critical analysis and philosophical accountability; unhindered artistic exploration and expression; bold ventures of entrepreneurial development and more.
Intelligence is diverse and multiplanar and the mind is not an isolated entity. Being intellectual is more than academic scholasticism. The person is an integrated being whose head is inseparable from heart and hand and the web of life in which we all are embedded. A comprehensive education of the mind intentionally engages students’ heart and soul for the purpose of being in the world in a way that enriches a greater and common good.
Pastoral – we care for the fold
Every person bears the image and likeness of God. We have a responsibility to know each person and care for their wellbeing (mind, heart, body, soul) and the social and cultural web in which they are entwined. This responsibility applies to our staff as well as our students. Everyone should feel like they belong, are safe and able to thrive.
Missional – we are leaven for the rising of the whole
Christian Mission – a portion within the whole
We intentionally engage in Christian formation seeking to nurture committed followers of Christ, building confidence in their capacity to serve as a loving and gracious presence in community bearing witness to the enticing life of faith.
Civic Mission – the whole for the whole lot
We are learning communities whose end is moral, spiritual and character formation with the capacity to transform and turn the whole community towards a greater and common good. This is a way of being in the world that seeks to participate in and transform society for the good of all. For us this way specifically includes merciful attention to the needs of the bruised and broken, vigorous work of restorative justice and guardianship of the sacredness of the created order.
Service runs across both Christian and Civic mission. Service is solidarity with the other, working alongside the other for their best interests, awakening their power. Service builds up community whose markers are justice, inclusiveness, sustainability, diversity. Service copies the actions of Christ and is the practice of being a neighbour in the world.
We are faithful to the Christian story, living it in a way that invites discovery. We are faithful to the scriptures and the seasons, saints and celebrations of the Christian story and the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
We are faithful to a calendar and rhythm of spiritual awareness that runs under and outside the school timetable. This awareness is practised through patterns of reflection, chapel, prayer, art, architecture, stillness, symbol, silence, sacrament, story-telling, celebrations, blessing and gratitude. Our liturgical traditions are ordered; participatory; musical; narrative and engaging of the senses, arts and creation; rooted in scripture; sacramental; intellectually robust and connected to the school’s pastoral practices and missional service.
We acknowledge and celebrate that both our student and staff memberships are plural. We invite and welcome all and hospitality is given to every student, no matter the race, gender, sexuality, ideology, ability/disability or religion. No one is excluded. The only pre-condition for membership in our schools (outside fees) is respect, respect for our ethos and the Gospel at its heart.