Statement of Commitment
The following Statement of Commitment seeks to provide a foundation to reflect, encourage and support a child safe culture. The Statement is to be implemented by all persons within an Anglican School or Education and Care Service.
Anglican Schools and Education & Care Services are committed to providing environments where children and young people receive the highest standard of care, where their rights are supported, and they have opportunity to thrive and be fruitful. Such environments nurture and safeguard the intelligence, dignity, safety and wellbeing of each child or young person, by placing them at the centre of thought, values and actions.
As reflected in our Ethos, our vocation is education, driven by a vision of humanity, shaped by the image of God made visible in Jesus, present in every human being.
- Every child: made in the image and likeness of God.
- Every child: loveable and loved, unique and unrepeatable.
- Outstanding education for the flourishing of people and the good of community.
Our faith is lived. We are hospitable and welcoming communities, who embody compassion, kindness, fairness, justice and love, and where exceptional pastoral care is practiced.
Working and serving the best interests of children and young people is in everyone’s best interest. This is achieved through sustaining living and learning environments that are safe, supportive and stimulating. Specifically, we:
- place emphasis on genuine engagement with children and young people;
- create conditions that reduce the likelihood of harm to children and young people;
- create conditions that increase the likelihood of identifying harm where it exists; and
- respond swiftly and appropriately to any concerns, disclosures, allegations or suspicions.
This commitment is sought to be consistently reflected through the decisions and behaviour of all persons within the School or Service, who are guided by effective governance, policies, tools and processes. This fosters a child safe culture, where acting in children and young people’s best interests is at the heart of what we do.
ASC’s Child Safety and Wellbeing Advocacy
The ASC provides dedicated support to our Schools and Services’ capacity to create safe and nurturing environments for the children and young people they serve. This support includes the specialist role of the Child Safety and Wellbeing Advocate to provide:
- Stewardship and coordination of the approach to child safety and wellbeing;
- Consultation and guidance on child safety and child & youth risk management;
- Development and facilitation of relevant training; and
- Design and implementation of relevant policies, procedures, guidelines, tools and resources.
Localised Approach
Each School and Education & Care Services have staff with dedicated responsibilities for driving child safety and wellbeing. Schools and Services are contacted directly for support regarding child safety matters. This includes:
Student Protection Officers
All school’s have dedicated Student Protection Officers. These staff are key contact people for students, their families, staff and others regarding relevant matters within school.